Thursday, 15 February 2007

no land, no home,lots of friends and a good business idea for second life

Still can't get land. I need a home. Went to Hawai sorry I know I have spelt it wrong. Met a lovely man called Marc from Germany. At least he didn't try to chat me up. I started off this blog saying I wanted to earn money in second life and I thought there was great potential. My problem is I have very little computing skills, but the more I travel round second life the more I am sure a business would succeed. From what I have seen the businesses there know little or nothing about advertising their products or stores. the newspaper in there doesnt seem to do much to promote the businesses. I think if this was done correctly there is a lot of potential out there. So many bussiness's so many people on line who do not know where to go or how to get there.. Keep watching this space. By the way your ideas would be greatly accepted.

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