Tuesday, 13 March 2007

Second Life versus First Life

Sorry for not responding to the comments.At the moment First Life is overcoming my Second Life but I will be back at the weekend

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I can see and unerstand your frustraionswith secod ife. Been there donethat....however I am approahing my 7 week birthday on sl and have settled in qite nicely. at first i too was frustrated at not being able to buy land....etc...i am an artist who wanted to merege sales in rl and sl. I found a place to rent and then hung my pictures of art. Before i knew it i was selling them in world and then met someone who beleived in my art so much that he got me a small gallery in Picasso Plaza located in Shiner. It's named the5 minute gallery.
It is starting to do well and i am hopeful that rl dollars will start coming soon.
so keep your chin up! it can and will happen for you!!!!!!
Your friend in all worlds
Trillyan McMillan (you can im me with that name in world)