Friday 26 January 2007

Fly like a bird

I can fly, not in a straight line but I can fly. Ended up on Help Island, got loads of freebies don't know what half of them are for but they may come in handy. How am I supposed to know what a script is. Couldn't find my way off the island so just flew and ended back at orientation island. Loads of people about, but no conversation they were all too busy changing their appearance. So I found this thing clicked on it and it teleported me to (I have no idea) it was some sort of greeting area, although none came to great me. I did meet a guy, well it may have been a female i am not sure because he,she or it had not managed to do anything with its appearance. I did find out he was from china and his english was not to good. It is really weird here though because everything is grey and seems to develop as you move. I did hear someone say it was because there were so many people about, and something about ressing. I am sure I will soon get the hang of these new terms. there are lots of information boards in this area so I may be some time but I will keep you informed. If there are any neewbees out there to give me a hand I would be grateful

1 comment:

Ann said...

Cheers for the comments matt. Hope you get onto secondlife. If you do let me know your name there and we can meet up